Teach your students database design and data management with Ragic by applying to Ragic Educator program!
Whether you're an information management or business administration instructor at a university, or someone who teaches business data analysis and software design, customer relationship management, digital tool application, and other related courses... You'd need a tool to allow your students to build real databases for real cases. And we can provide that!
You'll be able to teach Ragic with FREE Professional accounts for you and your students- for one full term!
For systematic, fun, and seamless learning materials in and out of the classroom,
access our teaching guidelines (coming soon!) and our YouTube channel tutorial video playlists!
You and your students are always welcomed to join our FREE webinar to learn more about what you can do with Ragic!
Click here for the details.
Apply now and discover the unlimited possibilities of building real databases in your classroom!
Note: this program is strictly for teaching purpose only.
If you're interested in using Ragic for school management or administration purposes, kindly contact sales@ragic.com for details on educational institution/ non-profit organization program.